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  2. Moving Tips: Biggest Packing Don’ts
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Moving Tips: Biggest Packing Don’ts

Moving to a new home is exciting, but to ensure moving day goes as planned, you need to keep track of what you’re moving. It’s also important to know what not to do when packing for your move. Take a look at this list of the biggest packing don’ts so you know what to avoid and ensure moving day runs smoothly.

Don’t pay for boxes

Moving to a new city or home automatically comes with expenses. So, why add to the tab by paying for something you can get for free? You can find free boxes from the U.S. Postal Service or even the grocery store. Also, check with your movers to see if moving boxes are already included in your moving services. Some movers provide used boxes for free. Take advantage of them, and remember that you can safely pack fragile items by using blankets and sheets instead of buying bubble wrap.

Don’t wait until the last minute to pack

When moving day comes, you want to be focused on the moving process itself. But if you wait until the last minute to pack all your items, you may run out of time for packing and even forget to pack some items. Instead, pack in advance so you can avoid any unnecessary rush to pack your belongings before your moving day.

Don’t forget to declutter and donate before packing

Working in a messy environment can make packing confusing. That’s why it’s important to declutter before you start packing. If you haven’t opened up your packed boxes since your last move, don’t make this move the opportunity to open them. Avoid moving boxes you haven’t opened since your last move altogether. Instead, opt to donate them if you know they contain things you no longer need or use.

Don’t forget to pack what’s in your attic or garage storage, shed or offsite storage locker

It’s easy to forget items you haven’t used for a while when you leave them in a storage unit or in the attic of your home. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have value. Make sure you check your attic, shed, garage and any offsite storage locker you may have. These areas are often overlooked, because they aren’t typically used every day. So, check them to make sure you’re not missing anything you may need to pack. Also, consider color-coding your boxes to differentiate which items belong to which room.

Don’t withhold information from your inventory

Your movers need to know what exactly they will be helping you move, so don’t keep your inventory to yourself. Be clear about what’s part of the inventory to ensure everything that needs to be packed is accounted for and there’s no last-minute snags in your moving day plans.

Don’t sign paperwork that you don’t understand

Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure you understand your contract. Your signature indicates your knowledge of all the terms in your moving contract, so you need to know what you’re signing. If you don’t understand something in the contract, get clarification and ask questions before you sign to avoid any surprises later.

Final thoughts

Moving from one residence to the next is easier when you pack in advance. By keeping in mind what to avoid when packing for your move, you can save time and ensure your moving experience is as stress-free as possible.