Real Estate Rewards
Powered by Home Rewards Concierge
How It Works
Our Real Estate Rewards program connects you with leading real estate professional to guide you through the process of buying or selling a home, and provides you with cash-back rewards in doing so.
Customers earn an average cash-back reward of more than $2,000.
Calculate your cash-back reward
Use our rewards calculator to find out how much you can earn.
Register online or give us a call
A Sterling Lexicon consultant will review the program with you and connect you with one of our trusted real estate agents.
Buy and/or sell your home
Our agents and consultants will guide you through the entire process.
Collect your cash-back reward
It’s that simple!
How Much Can You Get Back?
Disclaimer: For residential real estate transactions in the United States only. To be eligible you must not already be under contract with a real estate agent. Use of a participating agent is required to qualify for the reward. Minimum sales price to qualify for the reward is $50,000. The reward calculation is based on a real estate commission cooperative split of 2.5% or higher of the sale price. If the real estate commission cooperative split is less than 2.5%, the reward amount will be reduced. For new construction, the reward paid will be calculated on the commissionable sales price. Some states restrict cash bonuses or incentives in connection with real estate transactions. Please contact your Sterling Lexicon Consultant to understand eligibility and the estimated reward you may receive.
98% of customers who used the Real Estate Rewards program rated their experience as Excellent.
Register Below to Earn Your Cash Rewards!
Additional Services
Because we do thousands of moves per year, you can take advantage of our purchasing power and proven network of leading industry providers.
Mortgage Services
Enjoy free pre-approvals, competitive interest rates, and special benefits from our network of leading mortgage providers.